
Dear sir or madam

We would like to assure you that all the content ( videos / thumbnails / photos ) that you see on our website hosted exclusivity only on TikTok servers. Only public profiles are available on our website. If you believe that your rights have been violated read this article Copyright aspects of hyperlinking and framing.

We exist so that the inhabitants of India, Pakistan could watch TikTok despite the government ban. We are so called "tiktok viewer" website you can search in google "tiktok viewer" or "instagram viewer" and you will find many websites similar to ours. If you do not want your profiles to appear on similar websites make your account private.

We can show the content in order to further our public interest mission – namely to maintain an accessible record and analytics of TikTok accounts ( only public profiles ). We rely on Article 89 of the GDPR which covers archiving purposes in the public interest.

In the vast majority of cases, the personal information we collect will also have been made public by the data subject themselves through the submission of such information to a public account. Each social network, including TikTok, has privacy settings, and profiles that are private are automatically excluded on our website

If you want make your profile private: https://www.internetmatters.org/parental-controls/social-media/tiktok-privacy-and-safety-settings/

We also want to give you a couple of tips if you don't want your TikTok account to be associated with your first and last name in Google. Do not add to the field BIO your Name and Lastname, you can just indicate your @username or indicate your about your interests.